Sam Barnett sb. Artist Entrepreneur Struq Entrepreneur First EF Quantcast

Pretty cool right?

Get some art from us. Or not. Your choice...

WHO Are we?

Our names are Felix and Max. We are the Barnett sisters. We created the brand, Obey Slay, and we create our own art. Our youngest sister was forced into being our model....

we also make hats

Our brand is Obey Slay. Slay is a grumpy potato. We created Obey Slay to spread the smiles.

max designed the first hat

It was a christmas present for Felix I dont think it was her intention for this to become a brand

felix wore it

It's not even cold in this photo and she's wearing it!

then people wanted our hats

Shown by our forced model. She is such a poser :)

so we started making hats
for everyone

We had nothing better to do

slay is a grumpy potato

He resembles our dad

old people can wear our hats too

We're Felix & Max. We created Obey Slay to spread the smiles.

© Max & Felix. All rights reserved.